La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

How I want to grow up ᨏ ↟※

How I want to grow up.
Self-reminder: it's mythic to cut my own hair, but let it grow like the lissome ears of the hare-witch you are! 😂

This girl's name is Freya. She likes warm milk and old books, the sun's rays gliding over white snow through the branches of trees and the twinkling of distant stars in the night sky. She loves the magic of the frozen forest and her little fluffy rabbits, who always follow her. She is well versed in plants and does not like being alone. Freya doesn't know how she ended up in this forest and does not remember what happened to her before. Here, where no foot has been stepping for thousands of years, the girl, the keeper of the secrets and mysteries of this snowy forest, is looking for a way home. Forest, Magic, Witch.

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