I'm Lauren.
I currently live in the UK (North) in a tiny garden cottage
with my partner. As you can see the space is very small for two beings (kitchen
& bedroom in one room) but we manage & I love living in small
minimalist spaces, particular in spring/summer when we have access to the
garden. It's way too cold to roll around in now unfortunatly otherwise I would
have shared me doing some rolly pollies on the grass for week 1 haha. Week 1
was a little bit of challenge for me too, I did practice but time seemed to
escape from too quickly! So apologies for only just sharing now... Here is week
2 - exploring the water element under a new moon in scorpio with movement,
music, chamomile tea and flower remedies. Much love to Centehua & everybody
here sharing words/videos- you inspire me. x

Elemental Embodiment Community by sacred siSTAR Centehua Sage.
🌑 I am returning to her. The child in me who’s wild fire & waters got her abuse & rejection. Who’s vulnerability was rarely fully cherished. Who’s gifts were hardly ever recognised. My “bad” being more visible than my “good”. Along the way I have & will no doubt again abandon myself... to be myself & love myself authentically is a creative process, a daily practice.
On the night of Samhain I saw the pattern and purpose of chaos and trauma in my life. In everybodies life. I somatically felt the gift in the wound. In my hand I held the golden key in the depth of the dark murky waters. I felt such a huge sense of relief. Like everything that shattered and fragmented came back to me. And suddenly I began to transcend like #Kintsugi art.
more mermaid than human
Lauren Lua, I feel so happy, honored & blessed that we got to cross paths, dear sister Witch! Brightest blessings )O(
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