La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

El Pozo de Brigid

Brigid is the triple goddess of poetry, healing and smithcraft, of fire and water. Although she is known as a fire and solar Goddess, she is also associated with rivers, and particularly with wells. The fire offers transformation (Activation archetype. Manifestation Witchling by artist Paulina Cassidy) & the water offers healing (Inspiration archetype. Transformation Witchling). Her symbol is a cauldron (or cup), the Imbas, where she stirs up the spiritual elixir. Goddess of Witches #hearthandhomewitchery. She represents the mediating force of standing between two opposites and holding the tension e.g. upperworld/underworld, fire/water.

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The April Full Moon in Libra (Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra) is a perfect conjunction of the Moon with the Sun, Venus and Mars and, thus, a joining of their rulers, the opposite elements of Water (Venus) and Fire (Mars). Those Spiritual Warriors born under the Alder Full Moon (Celtic Oracle) will struggle, strain to learn how to bluishly temper, cool down, slow down their reddish hot-headed emotions and to get light-hearted.
Temperance, Adjustment, Balance was represented by smithcraft, and smiths were considered alchemists, wizards. Star Tarot Card.
Skills needed to Work in the Soul Forge #laforjadelalma : diplomacy, flexibility, tactfulness, discretion, prudence..

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