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XI - Amazon - Myrine

"Herakles is required to fetch the golden girdle of Aries worn by the Amazonian queen Hippolyte. The task set before him, namely to take the war girdle of the Amazonian queen, implicates him in the destruction of the Hittite Empire. This occurred about 1190 B.C."

"In the Wise Woman's Tarot, Trump XI is Myrine, or Merina in Libyan style. Ultimately the swift-bounding one becomes the warrior queen of some 30,000 Libyan amazons – meaning all of Africa except Egypt. History records a fierce battle between Myrine’s Amazons and the neighboring Gorgon Amazon group. Myrine escaped and pursued her military career eastward, conquering Lesbos, Samothrace and Lemnos. She died in battle, under siege by a union of patriarchal kings bent on annihilating the amazon nation of Asia Minor.

Myrine wears traditional Libyan Amazon attire of red snakeskin armor and boots, and carries a python-skin shield in one hand and a sword in the other. (To this day, Morocco is known for its red leather.) Around her waist, supporting a labyris, is the traditional gold, crystal sword-belt – a symbol of virginity. This darkskinned, muscular women is mounted on a powerful horse. The equestrian prowess of the amazons was second to none; the mare was their totem animal. In Armenia, ‘amazon’ means ‘moon woman’ (Daughters of the Moon). Many of the lunar deities have a warrior aspect as maiden, i.e. Artemis, a warrior for animals and nature, a medicine maker, a nurturing spirit. Amazons worshipped Artemis, Goddess of Light and Protector of the Vulnerable."

Deck Review - The Wise Woman's Tarot

0 - Essence - Mu - Uranus
I - Sorceress - Magic - Mercury
II - Illumination - Isis - Moon
III - Fertility - Oshun - Taurus
IV - Star - Tara - Aquarius
V - Nurturer - Venus of Willendorf - Cancer
VI - Lovers - Soulmate - Venus
VII - Gorgon - Medusa - Gemini
VIII - Strength - Asherah - Leo
IX - Synthesis - Cerridwen - Sagittarius
X - Healer - Sarah - Virgo
XI - Amazon - Myrine - Aries
XII - Revolution/Revelation - Pele - Mars
XIII - Limitation - Oracle, Sarah, Myrine - Capricorn
XIV - Initiation - Eclipse - Neptune
XV - Awakening - Hecate/Pandora - Pluto
XVI - Moon - Ischel - Pisces
XVII - Sun - Amaterasu - Sun
XVIII - Justice - Maat - Libra
XIX - Wheel of Life - Kali - Jupiter
XX - Transformation - Phoenix - Scorpio
XXI - Universe - Changing Woman - Saturn

IX, Synthesis/Cerridwen/Saggitarius, with the Goddess straddling and stirring a huge, bubbling cauldron, has a reminiscence of the Star (Adjustment, Justice), which is the card for my Moon in Libra.

- Sources: 

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