La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


Escribo, y ahora he empezado a hacer también los Dibujos para mis escritos (pencil drawing & coloring illos) (me gusta el trazo firme, sólido, seguro.. del lápiz. Carving. Mmm.. not so much pencils and watercolours... mmm not so sure I am a water element personality type, ha!).
Hago Cocina Energética & Alimentación Consciente.
(I don't get economically paid for any of it.. at least, right now .. so far.. so good... not intending to make a living, but a life. And that has made all the difference on my crooked path, to took the less travelled road from the two diverging in a wood. It's perfectly ok to live a life others do not understand. It's taking me a lot of walking to understand it too! But I am proud to walk as I talk to myself. Proud to shape my life. Surprised to get to define my Self. Inspired to evolve into who I wanna be. Because a magical life of one's own is not an easy one all the time).
También hago Ejercicio (nado, camino.. bailo cuando me apetece, y corro cuando me da la gana). Y Leo, but not stories anymore since a long time ago!
Soy de Pueblo, del Pueblo Tranquilo que Habita Bajo las Colinas Huecas, de la Tribu de los Auténticos. Vivo en una Casita (Cottage) en la Montaña.. donde cuido de mis plantas, mis hierbas y nuestros animales. #hearthandhomewitchery #domesticwitch #wildwisewoman

[...] I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

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