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She's Like The Wind

She insisted on how much she missed her husband, and she put it on those scary words for those who truly love someone "... as devastating as the loss of my husband has been... all my fears, my emotions, the pain of, once more, having someone taken away from me", and how she and the people celebrate the way she decided to step forward, heal and overcome those fears, emotions, pain "he would be happy for me and the new love that I've found", because she dreamt of him like "he was giving me his blessing and letting me know it was ok", and people insists on what a good person she is, and I am the kind of person who gives the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise

but I heard she betrayed* (which implicitly means that you never were truly loyal) her husband by publicly claiming how violent he went when he got drunk, what a hell her life by him had been in many occasions, and I learnt she forgot* (which implicitly means that you never truly care) him in so she was happily dating the man with whom she found love again shortly after the death of her... true love? and whom she re-married.

My viewpoint. I still can't believe that such a free-spirited, full of stamina, handsome, powerful, sensitive soul has faded away from earth. It's a shame that his wife *betrayed and *forgot him the way she did in the eyes of my soul. And it's also a pity that he married a purely airy one, that he got sad and tormented, and that he lost himself in the hustle and bustle of the world around him. 

He was a rare Alchemical amalgam of Fire and Wind, which may become Ether... Spirit. He had that unique brilliance that only that rare kind of amalgam can send out. He had the sparkle, the shine, the artistic, attached to Air, blended with the strenght, the power, warming, touching, connecting, moving, that are solely characteristic of Fire. I see his Power Animal or Spirit Animal is the Horse, Windfire Warrior, the Spiritual Warrior, a special race of warriors who dedicate (Dedication Card from the Wildwood Tarot) their Fire and Arrows to the pursuit of justice and loyalty, and to torch the guiding and celebration of the true meaning of things, a lineage of magical fools who blaze a trail as they walk their path with sheer Life Energy and Spirit Essence.

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