La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


(Dreaming the Ways of Elen, by artist Wendy Andrews)

A Look at the Symbolic Meaning of the Deer

When we encounter the deer in the wild, our breath catches - we are transfixed by their graceful features and delicate movements. The tender beauty of these beasts has not gone unnoticed by our ancestors.

The deer is linked to the arts, specifically poetry and music in ancient Celtic animal lore due to its graceful form. The Celts also believed that deer were associated with the fairie realm, and would lead troops of fairies - hundreds of them trailing behind them as the stag cut a path through the forest.

Both Celts and Native Americans observed the deer to be savvy when it came to finding the best herbs. These earth-bound peoples would follow the deer to prime herb patches - many of which proved to be highly beneficial in their medicinal purposes. #herbalwisdom #greenmagick #plantsandherbcraft

A quick-list of animal symbolism of the deer may offer a great deal of insight as you are working with the spirit of the deer in your life.

Summary of Symbolic Meanings for the Deer


(Fawn Bambi, by Samanta Vega)

How does this translate into our own life experience?

Just as the deer has an uncanny sense of where to find the green freshness earth provides, we can ask the deer within ourselves to seek out our inner treasures. #treasurewitch In meditation or day dream, go on a spiritual hike with the deer. See yourself walking in the woods with the deer leading you into amazing depths within your soul. Each step you and the deer take will lead you deeper into your spiritual knowing, and to limitless treasure within. She will reward you by leading you to the most powerful spiritual medicine you can fathom.

Meaning of the Deer is Associated With:

The Dawn
The Moon
The Easterly directions

(Here Sanguine is East, Influence, Air, Dawn, Wood, Trailblazer, Childhood, Artisan)

Those wishing to invoke the symbolic meaning of the deer may have most success and profound experiences while incorporating these associations. For example, we can honor the deer during a full moon to enhance or draw out some of the deer's qualities (listed above) within ourselves. Likewise, honoring the deer with our attention pointed in an eastern direction at dawn will elicit responsive energy too. Nothing fancy (the deer really has no use for pomp and circumsance - her pleasure comes from quiet simplicities) just a solemn nod of your head and a simple "thank you" for deer's presence will do.

(Aurora Fawn, ArtbyLadyViktoria)

This Piece, which is a 12"X12" High Quality Print of an original canvas painting entitled: "Aurora Fawn", is all about the role of the priestess in illuminating the way into Magick. The deer is her ally and also helps to reveal the gateways into Faerie. Having been born at Dawn, the name Aurora is quite special to me, as well as Dawn being a faerie in-between time as well.

Deer is the sacred animal for the Lunar Goddess of Spring and Dawn Artemis the Brave, an archaic mistress of the wild life and animals, Greek Goddess of Light and Protector of the Vulnerable, Woodland Queen of the Witches.

(Artemis and Fawn)

- Sources:

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