La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Nemetona, the Lady of the Sacred Grove

Nemetona is the Forest Witch, the Cottage Witch, the Kitchen Witch, the Hearth Witch, the Cauldron Witch .. The Witch of the Sacred Grove. A Hedge Witch .. A Witch! Wild Wise Woman. Wicce. A Shaman.

Elen's Ways lead to Nemetona. Follow the deer trods and meet Nemetona, the Lady of Sanctuary (Protection), of Sacred Spaces (Magic Circle) and the Sacred Grove. Deers are her children, they are Her. As I see it: the most elusive, wilder Antlered Goddess, the Lady of the Wildwood, Elen of the Ways, a Woodland Goddess, is really the Velvet-Antlered Doe, a messenger, the hooved magical creature of the forest, the sacred grove, standing by Hedge Witch Nemetona, a Deer-Rider, a Sorceress, along with the horned animal, the cattle, a bovid, a goat-like figure (witchcraft, fertility, spring), an antelope... a gazelle, the horned bovids being a symbol of the indoors domestic realm, of the hearth and home witchery, and the whole (and balanced) iconography similar to that for Irish goddess Flidais.

The description for the following painting reminded me of goddess Nemetona, being goddess Nerthus or Erda/Erth a Norse Goddess of Earth, Spring, Cycles, Fertility, whose symbols are fire, chariot and soil.

Nerthus or Erda is the Germanic/Norse Goddess of the Earth. In my vision for this painting, the widely popular veiled Nerthus was not quite what I wanted to do to capture the essence of this powerful and very meaning Goddess. many legends and folk stories exist throughout the Germanic Lowlands where the Goddess herself travels across the land in a cart or the folk tradition of a cart being held on a secret island where a holy man attends the Goddess. When she is present all iron must be locked away according legend and folk stories. In this painting we find a ghostly Nerthus settled into a Northern German sacred bog/grove attending to work with spirits and the very universal energy of nature and wilderness. The water represents the thin film between life and death and ancient association with swamps or bogs being portals the the otherworld.

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