La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

The otter artisan


Sanguine/Influence - Influencing of others, SP – Artisan.
Strengths– Outgoing, adventuresome, responsive, curious, warm, friendly, talkative, independent, enthusiastic, compassionate, courageous, loyal, honest, refined.
Weaknesses– Undisciplined, unproductive, exaggerates, daydreamer, egocentric, unstable.
Purpose, Objective, Direction (rune Tiwaz): To gain Knowledge, Wisdom.
Spiritual Path: To Celebrate the True Meaning of Things Through Understanding that Everything is Connected, Interrelated and is Worthwhile to the Oneness.

Birth totem otter is an individual who has incarnated into this particular lifetime to immerse him/herself in the fountain of knowledge. As such, these souls will be in continual search of information, ideas and concepts that will provide a refreshing fountain from whence she will thirstily drink. However, as the fountain of knowledge is an eternal and never ending source, in their enthusiasm to glean as much knowledge as quickly as possible, there may exist a tendency within these individuals to skim the surface, rather than explore the deeper waters that would result in truer understanding.

By looking at the general inquisitiveness of the playful sea otter, we witness a creature that is capable of delving deep into the ocean waters to retrieve oysters encapsulated in shells. The otter will then rise to the surface of the water, float on his/her back and crack open the shell to retrieve the tasty morsel that awaits inside. Much like their birth totem, otter individuals have a deep-seated curiosity that leaves them hungry for all of the "oysters" of information that exist in a universal sea of knowledge. Yet the challenge for them is to not become so weighted down by the variety that is available to them that they are constantly picking up, then dropping each idea in favor for a new and more tantalizing one. Once birth totem otter individual can learn that true knowledge comes from applying experience to ideas, then he/she will then crack the shell of understanding to delight in the wisdom found within, thus fulfilling the soul’s higher purpose.

Native American Full Moon Names and Their Meanings

The Full Moon Names used in the Farmer's Almanac come from the Algonquin tribes who lived in regions from New England to Lake Superior. They are the names the Colonial Americans adapted most. Note that each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred more frequently* p.e The Pink Moon or Spring Moon, which is the first Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox, can either occur in late March or early April, being in April [aprilis "to open", Aprus "Aphrodite"] when it occurs most of the times.

*April - Full Pink Moon. This full Moon heralds the appearance of the moss pink, or wild ground phlox—one of the first spring flowers. It is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon.

Otter meaning is closely connected to lunar symbolism. Water, the moon and otters have a long, symbolic history together. Indeed, the Algonquin named one of their full moons the Otter Moon. Otters are most active in the spring and summer. Typically, the Otter Moon would be the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox.
Water (and otters) are symbolic of creativity, fluidity and transitions. The otter's affinity to water is also symbolic of healing. Consider: Water is a purifying, cleansing element. It makes sense water-loving creatures such as the otter will share those purifying qualities too. Water Element is Alchemically related to Emotions & Psychic Abilities. April is named after goddess Aphrodite, who is related to planet Venus and Water.

Spring and Dawn

As an Animal of Spring and Dawn, Otter carries the concept of fertility, but not necessary in the sense of offspring, but of being prolific in ideas, opinions, inventions, craftworks, etc.
Spring and Dawn bring also the concepts of rebirth, awakening and new beginnings, which can lead us back to the creative process, to the symbolic cave or primal womb where the piece of writing, artcraft, thoughts, whatever the artisan has on hands is gestating with the needed, required timing.
The time of Spring and Dawn also holds hands with the Maiden Archetype ~ Careless, Vulnerable and Independent. Age: Childhood ~ Joy, Purity of Spirit, Innocence.

Otter and Alder Moon

Otter has a sanguine temperament (Fire), and masters two territories (Water and Earth), which means she is a liminal animal who knows and guards the entrance to the Fairy Realm or Elphame, and can guide us there #hedgewitchcraft. Alder, from the Celtic Tree Oracle, is also a liminal tree, living between Earth and Water. It was believed to be a gate to the Otherworld, and a bad omen to cut it off. The Alder's orange-red sap is associated to blood and war (Fire). The wood is resistant to fire (was used to light the fires in Spring. The burnt wood makes a high-grade charcoal which was considered sacred and used to create Celtic metalwork), and it has an oily wood that is also resistant to water. When this wood is cut, it bleeds its characteristic red color, which made the Celts believe that the Alder contained a sacred fire within. Also the new buds are characteristically purple in color, which links this tree to royalty, Kings and Queens, especially the Elf and Faery King and Queen (Habondia).

Bear and Fox are the two animals the Celts linked to the Alder month. I took a test yesterday about Totem Animals, and I got the Bear... Otter and Bear share a long shamanic tradition together. They may look alike. The thing is that Otter has been quite clearing my way for the last months, helping me to plough through my own expectations. Ok, truth that Fox is never out of the corner of my eye. And Bear is my significant otter hihi <3

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