La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

a loss of self-recognition 💚

Having been and behaved as a strong, vitalist, enthusiast, energetic, lively, having the courage of my own convictions and the strength to speak my truth, my voice, my self, and comitting to the lifetime journey work of cultivating healthy boundaries, since self-love is self-care, and thus, medicine soul, when health issues hit me about 5 years ago, my first reaction was to share and warn (If only I had known this... If someone had told me as I can now tell people... was my driving fuel. Big mistake! Toxic feedback, and a total waste of time and energy), then to hide, so ashamed and embarassed that those who had known me in my best would encounter me in my worst (those "haggard years of the thyroid issues", you know what I mean if you've been through, and I mean that the old Spanish saying: Con la cara pagas comes true in so that your face speaks volumes about the holy shit of one-million disasters stringing together inside of you, while you fall down the rabbit hole and nobody seems to see, notice, believe, have interest or compassion. Meh!).
Still recovering, always studying, so proud of my body, of my spirit, of my mind. Sensitive and savage, wild and wise. A weid, of course. Now I'm aware of where and with whom to speak about the not-so-funny (but always brave, badass and whimsical) side of me. And I got to feel profoundly grateful for the challenge, the possibilities, and the path that this autoimmune condition that epigenetics got to spark off in an autoimmune disease (hello, inflammatory symptoms) compells me to face and walk... sooner or later, willingly or not, yes or yes. Because the root of an autoimmune disease is a loss of self-recognition. The core question for me is: Where do I belong with? Now go and meditate on this.
#healing #autoimmunewarrior #hashimotos

🌿 Self-recognition.💖♥️
🌿 I belong with nature and the other animals.💚

🌿♡ ♥️ ♡🌿 

Sei giunta fino al centro di te stessa, e ciò ti darà forza per sempre. Non avrai più paura del mondo esterno perché, da questo momento, sai che il tuo mondo interiore è estremamente potente. A partire da oggi potrai spingerti sempre fino a quel centro dove potrai conoscere te stessa, la tua anima, e dove entrerai in contatto con lo spirito di luce che vive dentro di te. 


🌿♡ ♥️ ♡🌿
You have reached the center of yourself, and this will give you strength forever. You will no longer be afraid of the outside world because, from this moment, you know that your inner world is extremely powerful. Starting today you can always push yourself to that center where you can know yourself, your soul, and where you will come into contact with the spirit of light that lives within you.
~ Mamani


🌿♡ ♥️ ♡🌿 

Per Valentina amica mia e degli animali ♥️ Questa illustrazione è stata usata per il mese di Novembre per il calendario che ho realizzato per La Casa di Kira onlus, per ricordarci di raccogliere fondi, coperte e cibo per gli animali in difficoltà. Sul retro l’originale porta questa scritta: 
‘’Perché' amo gli animali ? Perché io sono uno di loro, Perché io sono la cifra indecifrabile dell'erba, il panico del cervo che scappa, sono il tuo oceano grande e sono il più piccolo degli insetti. E conosco tutte le tue creature: sono perfette in questo amore che corre sulla terra per arrivare a te. ‘’
~Alda Merini

🌿♡ ♥️ ♡🌿 

Para Valentina amiga mía y de los animales ♥️ esta ilustración fue usada para el mes de noviembre por el calendario que he realizado para la casa de kira lucro, para recordarnos recaudar fondos, mantas y comida para los animales en dificultades. En la parte de atrás, el original lleva esta
" ¿Por qué amo a los animales? Porque yo soy uno de ellos, porque yo soy la cantidad indescifrable de la hierba, el pánico del ciervo que huye, soy tu océano grande y soy el más pequeño de los insectos. Y conozco a todas tus criaturas: son perfectas en este amor que corre por la tierra para llegar a ti. ''
~ Alda Merini

In the meanwhile.

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