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Full Blue Moon in Libra! March 31, 2018

I like this tarot reading of my Libra Moon sign! 
Now I understand... Yes, perhaps me...
We have the second Blue Moon of 2018 on Saturday March 31 at 8:36 am EDT and it is a very special one indeed! Occurring about midway through this Mercury Retrograde in Aries where we’re reflecting on where we are in and out of our power especially regarding relationships, this Full Moon is asking us to balance the energies of Aries and Libra, the self versus the other, independence and self awareness versus the need for cooperation and relation with another. Are we running amuck trying to get our way all the time or are we being a doormat, just letting others walk all over us? This is complicated by the fact that Venus has been in Aries and she’s really not comfortable there! Venus is all about giving and receiving love and Aries is all fired up about himself, competing with everyone, hell-bent on one-upping everyone! At the time of the full moon, Venus is sizzling on the last fiery degree of Aries before rolling onto the cool, refreshing grass of one of her homes, Taurus. Perhaps you...

Jill Jablonski

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