La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

🌱 Make It Happen/Grow ※

What is your super power? Mine is rooting down. Ha! #EarthMedicine

Which one of these sensational 9 shades from the "Do Your Squats" palettes is your fav? Ours is a tie between Terrific and Indomitable. 

Wear these shades here
awwwe so lovely earthy color eyeshadow palette by @realhermakeup

 Samhain Blessings ✫*¨`*✶ 
Witching you health and root wherever this finds you.

Llevo tu corazón

Samanta Vega Díaz está con Raul Valero.

Llevo tu corazón
Llevo tu corazón conmigo
(lo llevo en mi corazón)
nunca estoy sin él
(tú vas dondequiera que yo voy,
amor mío);
y todo lo que hago por mí mismo
lo haces tú también, amada mía)
No temo al destino
(pues tú eres mi destino, mi amor)
no deseo ningún mundo
(pues hermosa, tú eres mi mundo, mi verdad)
y tú eres todo lo que una luna siempre ha sido
y todo lo que un sol cantará siempre eres tú.
He aquí el más profundo secreto que nadie conoce
(he aquí la raíz y el brote del brote
y el cielo del cielo de un árbol llamado vida;
que crece más alto de lo que un alma puede esperar
o una mente puede ocultar)
y éste es el prodigio que mantiene a las estrellas separadas.
Llevo tu corazón
(lo llevo en mi corazón).
Edward Estlin Cummings

<< Samhain >>

Llegué a casa helada, justo para ver sobrevolar una bandada de gansos de Frau Holda claramente en dirección sur. Apareció Saga en el jardín delante de la cocina. El invierno pastoral está a la vuelta de la esquina. ¡Voy a empezar a preparar una crema de delicioso calabacín y malvada patata para comer calentito!
¡Jiji ahora he entrado! ¡me quedé fuera trabajando un poco las yerbas!, y luego se unió Saga. Miro cómo trabaja, dedicada y precisa (también delicada y preciosa). Es la Yerbatera.


I wish my little witch-hare Saga wished to sleep indoors this way. #spellbinding #iwillrunandrunforeverwherethewildfildsaremine #imcallinginthewitches#theheartofawitch
Cookie es el familiar de una de las mujeres artistas, mágicas, medicina, altamente sensibles y brujas con las que me relaciono, a las que sigo el rastro, que me acompañan en mi camino de vida #journeywork, y de las que me rodeo! 💖 #sacredspace #roots #magic #circle #ether #detox #declutter#storywoman #rewriteyourself #herstory #thestorymedicine


While you wait, make.
While you sit wondering, breathe deeply.
While you watch the clouds move in, turn the plants under.
While you feel alone, be of service.
While you doubt, ask questions.
While you lose hope, gather faithfully with others.
While you let go, add back in.
While you suffer, sing.
While you grieve, weep.
While your wounds gape, nourish the earth with your blood.
While you heal, create an atmosphere for the sacred to come through you. 


Grow Strong. #jesmaharryjewelry

Dough Pottery Medicine Doll Making ※

I Remember my love for what I felt*described as #breadpottery. I didn't make bread, dough came itself into bread under the musing palms of my hands. Then, I had to close my mill because of the health issues I had barely started to discern. First the work, and then the play.
13 Moons of Remembering. What about integrating?
#theheartofawitch #imcallinginthewitches #whatsyourwitchcraft #magicmaking #thestorymedicine
So #doughpottery #doughclay. What would it be? does it exist? is it possible? I remember having found out about salt dough making (makers vs crafters @michellegardella writes: “Because I have a naturally anxious disposition, and am very sensitive, it's easy for me to feel overwhelmed or stressed. I have found that nothing soothes this quite like making pottery, crocheting, or being deeply immersed in art making. Many women call themselves crafters but I feel like that delegitimizes our sacred work as makers. There is so much healing in the act of making things with our hands.”), and noted down somewhere here in my blog a while ago...

For detailed advice on dough clay read the full article:

Spirit Dolls
A Representation of What Is Needed or Wanted


  • Our unknowing and confusion are often the result of not telling the truth.
    Your superpower is not the thing that you feel totally confident in.
    It is not where you have received tons of training.
    Your superpower lives at the intersection of your power deficiency (see day two of the Power Inventory) and your desired focus (see day three). Your superpower lives in the Old Story (see yesterday's activity), in self-denial and wounding.
    Your superpower might even be something you despise or try to hide about yourself.
    Being honest about your superpower clears away any illusions that you are powerless, and makes possible the multi-layered processes of your individual growth.
  • #power #ritual #practice
    #lineage#ancestry #ancestral #medicine
    #witch #witchcraft #weid #wyrd
    #landbased#placebased #connecting



1. Marry your autoimmune plan
If you expected an enduring marriage, wouldn’t use the 80/20 rule in your relationship, allowing yourself to cheat 20% of the time. So don’t use the 80/20 rule when you are forging a new relationship with your health. Commit 100% during the temporary elimination phases of your autoimmune protocol.
I did the impossible, according to conventionally-minded doctors. I addressed a severe autoimmune disease with nutrition and lifestyle. I am not merely in remission, I have no sign of the disease. It took full commitment. Yes, it was hard to eliminate a laundry list of ingredients from my life. It still is hard, even though I’ve reintroduced many foods. But my health is worth it.
Individuals following a paleo diet for overall wellbeing can often experience optimal vitality with a flexible approach, building non-paleo foods into their lifestyle. In the case of autoimmunity, however, remission rather than flexibility is the goal. Fortunately, many individuals can reintroduce a myriad of foods, even non-paleo foods, after a successful autoimmune plan.
2. Learn how to make vegetables delicious
While I’ve always enjoyed baking, I was not an accomplished home chef when I began an autoimmune protocol. While cooking is a nonnegotiable on an autoimmune diet, good cooking makes a night-and-day difference on the diet.
You will be eating a ton of vegetables on an autoimmune plan. Vegetables provide the foundation and bulk of the diet, no matter which autoimmune approach you choose. Your leafy greens shouldn’t be a chore to eat! I’ve learned how to prepare vegetables so that I look forward to eating them, since now they are not simply something to get out of the way before I enjoy dessert. (Dessert on an autoimmune diet is not a daily occurrence.)
Believe me, you’ll get tired of steamed vegetables three times daily very quickly. Expand your vegetable portfolio to including roasted, sautéd, braised, simmered, and pureéd options. You’ll never know the profound versatility of a vegetable until you experiment. For example, cauliflower can be made into grain-free sandwich wraps or blended into a silky dairy-free cream sauce. (la misma receta sirve para preparar tortillas para crêpes, burritos, enchiladas y quesadillas adaptadas #Paleo #AIP #Keto #GAPS, bases para pizzas, etc.) (receta para rebanadas de sandwich)

GAPS emphasizes nutrient-dense foods including stocks, healthy fats, organ meats and fermented foods.

3. Lifestyle is an ingredient, too
You’ll learn that your organic, pasture-raised, non-toxic, low-EMF life isn’t a recipe for perfect health. If only it was that easy. Spiritual and emotional healing are required to deeply heal your body.
I’m hesitant to intimidate you with this information, because you may sign off on your healing journey before you even begin. But here goes… Healing requires that you release your grudges.
As long as you claim yourself as a victim to circumstance, you keep your wounds open. It is time that you learn to re-write yourself as the hero who heals, not the victim who suffers. You’ll learn to release the storyline which you wrote, that one that portrayed you as a victim to trauma. You wrote yourself into this story because it was the best you could do to make sense of your pain. Now, you’ve realized you don’t have to carry your pain into the future.  You’ll learn to re-write yourself as the hero, the girl who was given difficult circumstances so that she could find her strength. Victims never heal, but heroes do.

There’s a saying: you can be right or you can be happy. You’ll learn that you can be right or you can be healed.  The math doesn’t add up, but healing is illogical.
4. Food provides nutrients, supplements provide support
We are not what we eat. We are the nutrients our body absorbs.
5. Desserts featuring autoimmune ingredients aren’t necessarily autoimmune-friendly
Browsing blogs, websites and cookbooks with autoimmune-friendly recipes, you’ll often find a higher percentage of starchy/sweet to savory recipes. Do not assume you should model your diet after this percentage. Depending on your autoimmune situation, even desserts with autoimmune-friendly ingredients may hamper the healing process.
Autoimmune sweet treats contain sweeteners that may spike blood sugar. Coconut sugar, dried fruit, honey, maple syrup, starchy non-grain flours (arrowroot, tapioca, cassava) and even sweet potatoes are all concentrated sources of sugar. Chronically-elevated blood sugar impairs the tissue regeneration of the gut… a crucial aspect of healing leaky gut. Consuming carbohydrates along side sources of healthy fats reduces the glycemic load (the blood sugar spike).
Further, while sweets provide pleasure, they provide little nutrition. AIP sweets lack the nutrientdensity of vegetables, bone broth, organ meats, wild seafood, and high-quality meats. When I cut out all sweets and baked goods from my diet to support my autoimmune healing, I initially felt unsatisfied with the experience of eating. So I took cooking classes, experimented with recipes, and learned how to create a pleasurable experience of savory foods. Now, I rarely eat sweets or baked goods, and get my carbs primarily from savory preparations of squash and root vegetables.
I highly recommend using a glucometer and monitoring your “carb symptoms” to determine if you are eating too much high-glycemic foods. Read my post, How To Eat Sugar for more information on utilizing a glucometer.

📚The Autoimmune Paleo Protocol (AIP), p.10 guide:
Potentially problematic foods allowed
Starchy vegetables, starchy non-grain flours. NOTE_In the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet (GAPS), developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, starchy vegetables and starchy nongrain flours (tapioca, arrowroot, cassava) are foods to avoid (same in keto).
Points to consider
Use moderation and even minimization of the starchy vegetables and starchy flours. Not only can starches challenge a damaged digestive tract, they are concentrated sources of glucose which may spike blood sugar.
In the same way, use the allowed sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, and coconut sugar judiciously. These concentrated sources of sugar are rare treats, not daily indulgences. NOTE_In the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet (GAPS), developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, sugar (including maple syrup and coconut sugar) (same in keto. If it tastes sweet, avoid it. This also rules out carob syrup or flour, though it is paleo and AIP compliant. How to overcome the Keto Flu after the 14-day Keto Honeymoon).
6. Re-introduction is part of the program
When embarking on an autoimmune protocol, know that the end point includes more foods than the intro phase. An autoimmune diet should lead you to the least restrictive, individualized diet that provides optimal vitality. The restrictive early phases of whichever protocol you choose is a re-set period. The intro diet removes the maximum number of stressors to allow your body to re-discover its innate intelligence of balance.
Sign up for Lauren Geertsen's free guidebook, The Nutrition + Autoimmune Success guide here

#autoimmunewarrior #ancestralfoods #magicalcookery #kitchenwitch

Makers vs. Crafters

"Many women call themselves crafters but I feel like that delegitimizes our sacred work as makers. There is so much healing in the act of making things with our hands.” 💫 words of wisdom by Michelle Gardella

That's why it's about #magicmaking #medicinemaking #storymaking #witcherymaking

Samhain Moon

She's still hanging on the sky after all night long.

Happy Full Samhain Moon!

The October Full Moon is also known as the Blackberry Moon, Blood Moon, Chestnut Moon, Calendula Moon, Corn Ripening Moon, Drying Grass Moon, Falling Leaves Moon, Hunter's Moon, Leaf Dancing Moon, Maple Moon, Middle Finger Moon, Moon of Poverty, Moon of First Frost, Moon That Turns Leaves White, Moon When Birds Fly South, Nut Moon, Shedding Moon, Song Moon, Ten Colds Moon, Wait until I Come Moon, Vintage Moon, Wine Moon, Winter Coming Moon.

Fruit of the d e a d .

Marybeth Bonfiglio compartió un video.
So many folks shared this video on my timeline as well as send me private messages with this link.

So I am sharing it again because it's *so* important to me - these women are not just making pasta, they are weaving stories and magic, they are rolling myth and healing.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has tagged me in the comments in this original post, shared this link with me, etc. Thank you. Thank you. *For seeing me* - To know that when you watched this, you thought of me, and took the time to send it to me. That is such great support and validation for the work I do - to be thought of. To be known as someone keeping the healthy ways and traditions of our ancestors alive. I am in deep gratitude.

In this round of Blood + Belonging I think I’ll spend more time and energy in the food as ancestors space :: the deeper I get into this work, this exploring, the retelling of the story of my near and far culture, the more I find myself in the dirt or the kitchen or filling my belly. Anything that brings me closer to seed or soil or fire or pot, I am remembering a deeper meaning of being human. . . As I make this and feed my own life, my children’s, I also feed the dead - not just their spirits but within the cells of their descendants. We carry the meaning and nourishment on.
Fruit of the d e a d .
A deep red fruit native to Iran and across to the Himalayan Mountains, it was also brought and cultivated throughout the Mediterranean since way back and ancient ancestral times.
It’s call the fruit of the dead for its relations w the Queen of Death herself :: Persephone. Its blood red known as death blood, for as the common myth goes, Persephone ate the seeds and had to stay in the underworld - but - they are also known as the blood of life - a symbol of fertility and manifestation and nourishment. A telling thing to me that the door between death and birth/live is fast and revolving. It is conscious. Thin. And we have agency about what otherworlds we choose to travel in. .
When all else dies we can still have seeds of ancient and original blood. We can still be nourished and can care for ourselves and tend to those who need us. .
I split open this fruit and know this: it will be my anchor as shit falls apart and collapses this season and it will also be my nourishment as I create amidst all the dying.
In these coming dark days. Gather your seeds. Eat them. Slowly. Let the juice become your skin. Let them be sustenance and creativity and be held close in your belly as you devote yourself to the journey down down and in in. .
#pomegrante #persephone #fruit #writersofinstagram

a n c e s t r a l h u n g e r.