La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


What are they? Quite simply 'nifferduggles' are those precious few moments when we slip contentedly between dreams and sleep, safe in our beds to await the beginnings of a bright new morn’up.
Today I almost twisted my knee. After having been working outside, I was replanting a creepy ivy at that moment. I was working with my little digger, but suddenly I was in need of my garden scissors. So I went for a shortcut. And I was jumping over a wall, when I slipped upon the damp (damned dampness) slope with my left leg forward, so that I split, and thus, hit my right leg against the peak and fell over my right knee blocked against the stone. I cried on the ground, honestly I was more in fear than in pain. But alas! I was so so so lucky. My knee is not locked. I love my knees. Thank you, Life! I feel soo blessed.
Tonight I'll purely savour the crumlush feeling of my nifferdugges as much as the next majickal-hare.

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