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Dough Pottery Medicine Doll Making ※

I Remember my love for what I felt*described as #breadpottery. I didn't make bread, dough came itself into bread under the musing palms of my hands. Then, I had to close my mill because of the health issues I had barely started to discern. First the work, and then the play.
13 Moons of Remembering. What about integrating?
#theheartofawitch #imcallinginthewitches #whatsyourwitchcraft #magicmaking #thestorymedicine
So #doughpottery #doughclay. What would it be? does it exist? is it possible? I remember having found out about salt dough making (makers vs crafters @michellegardella writes: “Because I have a naturally anxious disposition, and am very sensitive, it's easy for me to feel overwhelmed or stressed. I have found that nothing soothes this quite like making pottery, crocheting, or being deeply immersed in art making. Many women call themselves crafters but I feel like that delegitimizes our sacred work as makers. There is so much healing in the act of making things with our hands.”), and noted down somewhere here in my blog a while ago...

For detailed advice on dough clay read the full article:

Spirit Dolls
A Representation of What Is Needed or Wanted


  • Our unknowing and confusion are often the result of not telling the truth.
    Your superpower is not the thing that you feel totally confident in.
    It is not where you have received tons of training.
    Your superpower lives at the intersection of your power deficiency (see day two of the Power Inventory) and your desired focus (see day three). Your superpower lives in the Old Story (see yesterday's activity), in self-denial and wounding.
    Your superpower might even be something you despise or try to hide about yourself.
    Being honest about your superpower clears away any illusions that you are powerless, and makes possible the multi-layered processes of your individual growth.
  • #power #ritual #practice
    #lineage#ancestry #ancestral #medicine
    #witch #witchcraft #weid #wyrd
    #landbased#placebased #connecting


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