La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

The Earth Medicine Archetypal Womyn ※

Eartha + Uma = Kapha

The Five Elements consist of
  • WATER Archetype of the philosopher or the kore.
  • WOOD Archetype of the pioneer or warrior.
  • FIRE Archetype of the wizard or comedian.
  • EARTH Archetype of the witch or priestess.
  • METAL Archetype of the queen or alchemist.
Everyone marches to one of these five drummers. We gravitate toward an environment that suits our character; similarly, it's easiest to develop in áreas where we have natural talent. (book)
The quality of being is shared by all four primary feminine archetypes, but it is a specialty of the Earth Mother. This archetype symbolizes the feminine aspect of our instinct for activity. Her partner is the Warrior. The aim of both is power and success and each uses our energy in different ways: he for doing, she for being. Of everything associated with femininity, being is perhaps most misunderstood. In the Western world we link it with passivity, indolence, powerlessness, and victimization. In an effort to avoid such stigmas, many of us overrule our natural inclinations and force ourselves to stay busy.
Where his emphasis is on the product, hers is on the process. She defines power and success as becoming completed through developing intimate relationships with our bodies, our unconscious selves, other people, nature, and the cycles of life. Like the fertility goddesses who carry her image, the human mothers who carry out her mission, and the planet Earth which carries life, the Earth Mother archetype creates, nurtures, births and protects new life in us.
She’s the part of us that honors the truths of our souls and our particular way of being, regardless of how different we might be. Her self-awareness and sensory savvy show us where to relax our wills and support otherness, how to relinquish our obsessive doing and busyness, when to let go of our children and other attachments, and when to accept life’s activity upon us instead of forcing it to serve our purposes. Her receptive beingness is actually a creative form of giving that promotes growing and becoming.
To be this receptive does not mean we are always flowing about without an anchor. It just means we have reverence for transcendent powers and uncontrollable natural forces and do not struggle needlessly against them. Earth Mother’s receptivity is as stabilizing as it is free-flowing. As David Rosen, author of The Tao of Jung says, “The Tao (the Way) is both fixed and moving at the same time.” It is fixed in its respect for the sacredness of life; it moves in accordance with the natural evolution of life.

Chu Hsi, a commentator on the Tao Te Ching, said this: “The female is one who receives something and, with it, creates. This creative principle is the most marvelous thing in the universe.” This is true feminine power. 💚
Earth is nourishment. The kitchen is the place of the quintaessential earth type.
- Creating Luminous Spaces: Use the Five Elements for Balance and Harmony in Your Home and in Your Life by Maureen K. Calamia

Bruja. La mujer que habla con las plantas y las estrellas. - Luna Gwyllt
La conjuradora es una mujer profundamente conectada a la tierra. Mujer ritual. Es magia y espíritu, y trabajadora de las raíces espirituales. Hechicera-sacerdotisa-pastora. Bruja. La que no tiene nombre. La oradora más antigua. Está conectada. Es la frecuencia, la vibración y el campo. La bruja, a pesar de que a menudo somos poco claros acerca de lo qué implica esa palabra. Ella es la hacedora. Ella es su propio templo, su propio lugar de adivinación.
Dominique Christina

La pequeña bruja escandinava que trae bendiciones durante la Pascua

Una bruja de la Pascua (easter witch en inglés, påskkärring en sueco, y pääsiäisnoita, en finés) es la figura central de la tradición escandinava llamada Virvonta o Virpominen, la cual se lleva a cabo durante la Pascua en Finlandia y Suecia. La visita de las brujas de Pascua sucede durante su vuelo a la montaña de Blåkulla, donde acuden con sus calderos o viejas cafeteras para celebrar allí una fiesta.

Incluso ahora, muchas personas siguen mirando en la påskkärring el remanente de la antigua sacerdotisa-bruja que bendecía la tierra y oficiaba alegres ritos para celebrar la llegada de la primavera y el renacimiento de la vida sobre la tierra. "Virvon, varvon, tuoreeks terveeks, tulevaks vuodeks; vitsa sulle, palkka mulle!" (Sacudo una ramita para que el año que tenemos por delante sea próspero y saludable; ¡una ramita para ti, y un regalito para mí!).

The primal Archetype of Water relates to the vastness and the depths of the unconscious mind. Jung observed long ago that the unconscious mind was much vaster than the conscious portion. His insight has been confirmed by fascinating developments in neuroscience, where new technologies, such as particularly sophisticated MRIs have enabled brain scientists to see that the unconscious processes in the brain dwarf the conscious mind in magnitude.

The Philosopher gives birth to new ideas—her power percolates in the deep inner chasm of the mind. Water is characterized by the Philosopher. A Water type lives in the interior, preoccupied with seeking truth and exploring hidden mysteries through the medium of imagination.

The Water archetype is the Philosopher who brings to light that which is hidden, uncovering new knowledge, dispelling mystery, eroding ignorance. Like an old–time prospector, she sifts through the gravel of notions and beliefs, tireless in her effort to apprehend the nature of reality. Time is the pick and shovel of the Philosopher who exhumes the bones of culture that endure, doggedly in search of truth. Able to envision what can be, she is critical of what is. As the custodian of our ancestral memories and dreams, she articulates our aspirations.

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