La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

My hearth priestessing work 🔥

On this Indigenous Peoples Day Id like to honor the woman who raised me and her family. This is four generations of resiliency! this picture represents the backbone of Mexico, the women who work the hardest and give the most. Susana in blue, fed me the most nourishing loving meals, her food shaped me and healed me. Food is a conduit for love. Susana fed me culture, ancient traditions and remembering. Her huazontles and verdolagas en chile verde are the most delicious meals i've ever had! Today I rejoice in the love for wild foods she instilled in me and the art of cooking. She taught me that service is being available to love, she taught me everything through example. I am who I am today thanks to the transmissions of authenticity and integrity that I received daily from this brave soul. Indigenous people do their work, humbly and with dignity. These women carry themselves with unpretentious pride and earthly beauty. Susana's love radiates through the smiles of all the people she's touched. She was not a nanny, she was a mother, every woman who feeds and cares for the young must be acknowledged for their maternal love. Blessed be the mamas, may we acknowledge our kin and praise the hands that shaped us. 

Minoan Priestess. Symbols of Home.
Name "Minoans" given to people who lived in Crete in the Late Stone Age. "Snake goddess" figurines were found only in house sanctuaries in Crete in the Bronze Age, where the figurine appears as "the goddess of the household", and they are related with the anthropological tradition regarding woman or cook-gatherer and domesticity or hearth and home realm. The figurines have also been interpreted as showing  a mistress of animals-type earth goddess or high priestess.
The snake, like the ferret, is a creature of the earth and one that moves between worlds, knowing the mysteries of the Underworld. According to a Basque tradition, there exists a secret Witches' realm beneath the hollow hills "where all things abound, especially folkloric life-giving foods like milk and honey, which run in abundant rivers." Snakes are intimately connected with Witchcraft and Goddesses of Witchcraft because venom could be used as drug or poison, and thus, to heal or to cause death. 
The serpent on the cimarutathis Italian amulet that is a stylized sprig of rue (Cima di Ruta) traditionally crafted in silver, is featured coiled around the moon. It represents the Roman Goddess Proserpina, whorshipped by witches, the goddess of night (darkness) and the Underworld (subconscious)The darkness is a place of unknowing only travelled by the fools and the sages, two sides of the moon or two sides of the same coin. Although her name Proserpina is the Latin form of the Greek Persephone, they are not identical goddesses. Ancient writers such as Lucan refer to Proserpina as the "last and lowest" of the three aspects of Hecate. Her name is derived from the Latin 'serpere', to creep or crawl, rendered 'proserpere', meaning to crawl forward. Like Hecate, the serpent, torch and key are all symbols associated with Proserpina.

The key appearing on the cimaruta charm is a symbol of the hidden mysteries, and the power to open the gates or bar them. The gatekeeper of the mysteries.

The last charm on the cimaruta is the vervain blossom. Vervain, in ancient plant lore, was an herb sacred to the Fae or the Fay people. In european folklore, the Fairy and the Witch often appear as kindred beings, and in some cases (such as the 'donna di fuora' found in Sicilian lore), there is little if any difference between them. The Fairy, like the Witch, is also a keeper of the doorways between the worlds, the hedge being found in liminal places where they dwell.

pagan tarot Check out the Fool Card from the Pagan Tarot Deck! I mean, here's the young witch (wicce, 'wise'), venturing out into the dark (the unknown), with only her cat (Manawee's dog embodies one's own instinctive nature in Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés) to guide her!

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