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A Call to Blue Otter...

Hello! Remember the Otter Moon?
"Otter meaning is closely connected to lunar symbolism. Water, the moon and otters have a long, symbolic history together. Indeed, the Algonquin named one of their full moons the Otter Moon. Otters are most active in the spring and summer. Typically, the Otter Moon would be the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox."

I've got news, and we should speak about the Coastal Comission by the Seashore :) As you well know, I had a quantum first hand experience yesterday that came out to be a most revealing learning experience about energy and self. I could find no comfort whatsoever yesterday morning after consecutive nights of no relaxation and deep sleep because of the traffic noise. My head, temples, cheekbones and nose hurt like hell. And then... there it came... the soothing, balming, healing Blue Medicine of Water: the soft lullaby of tranquil ocean waves, rolling thunders in the distance, musical rain droplets... and the loving songs of frogs and crickets!! x

"Water (and otters) are symbolic of creativity, fluidity and transitions. The otter's affinity to water is also symbolic of healing. Consider: Water is a purifying, cleansing element. It makes sense water-loving creatures such as the otter will share those purifying qualities too."

Otters belong to the Coastal Comission by the Seashore. That means their diet is a pescetarian one: seafood (fish and shellfood), seeds, vegetables and fruits. Otter is a furry rascal with hypersensitive fingertips, and her very dexterous hands share a connection with the squirrel and the raccoon's dexterity. Otter has a feminine energy. She is a joyful, adventuresome creature, yet territorial and brave, who can even show fierceness if attacked. Otters are fussy over the cleanliness of their burrows. They exhibit a high degree of pair bonding and family cohesiveness. 

Graceful and elegant, sleek and seductive, slender and supple, elasticity and plasticity... account for the otter's trademark. Otter is a liminal animal, equally versatile in the water (emotion/spiritual) and on land (pragmatic/artisan), who establishes a burrow close to the water's edge. As a liminal animal, Otter handles the spirituals questions of duality, hedgecraft and the elphame. 

(Otter Dance is dedicated to the Spiritual Path of Earth Medicine and Nature, 
honoring Spirit in all things. Everything is sacred. We are all One)

(Earthway Spirit Medicine Bag)

(Otter-Coast Salish Carving)

(Otter Medicine Woman)

What caught the eye... and fingertips of the Otter Woman today?
ceramic (terracotta) from the Greek word κεραμικός (keramikos) (earth and fire)
glass (bubbles) (water and air)
The Four Natural and Alchemical Elements
Also I have been always captivated by the sight and touch of wood and stone.

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