La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

The Struggles of an Independent Extravert

Extroverts are the outgoing people who get their energy from their immediate environment through building connections with people. This energetic lot literally think with their mouths, thus they think as they talk and they think by talking. These are the fellows who make winding contributions in team meetings; sometimes correcting themselves with self-directed interjections such as “if that does not work, we can do ….”; their statements are loaded with several alternative suggestions.

On the other hand, introverts get their energy from the life of their minds. These people like to think carefully about an issue; they process their own ideas before they talk. Quietness is a comforting situation for them. After a long session of talking at work, they value spending quiet time to recuperate from virtual mental weariness. Even though introverts do have deep and meaningful conversations with colleagues, they draw comfort and energy when they are quiet.
I like being on my own... being in my home, drinking a cup of herbs, watering my plants, whipping, cooking, listening to music, singing, dancing, cleaning, moving around, doing laundry, reading, writing, going to the country, walking my dog, going grocery shopping, going to the store, driving in my car etc... these are just a few things you that you do by yourself. In spite of “I the extrovert”, these solitary tendencies have always been ones that “I like”. And “I the extrovert” started to realize that it is the way introverts are, and, what is most important, what is implicit in there that “I the extrovert” and introverts value so much: privacy. I would have never thought that the day would come when I cut off with the two-legged medicine beside whom Coyote walks. But I’m done with lack of empathy, bonhomie, solidarity, integrity, loyalty, honesty, courage, curiosity, disconformity, authenticity, commitment, responsability, coherence, meaningfulness… causing so much harm to Mother Earth and her wildlife... inflicting extreme suffering to our vulnerable, defenceless, captive animal siblings... making so uneasy to those individuals who just wanna live in peace, wrapped up in quilts of comfort if the world would be a better place… if just left to its own resources and devices… and cycles… and rhythm... So, here I am, left to the struggles of being an Independent Extrovert, and trying to figure it all out. By myself. On my own. At my own risk. For my own glory. I'm lucky.

(Coyote packs and embarks in search of new soul lodge)

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