La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


Color is another important aspect of Zuni culture. Their jewelry, ceremonial clothing and pottery is known for its vibrant use of colors. The pottery they made featured intricate carvings that told a story.

The Heart Line: Some fetishes wear a line of inlaid stone in the shape of an arrow. This arrow is called a lifeline or heartline. It begins at the mouth where breath gives life (energy) and points to the soul (spirit) where faith and inner strength preside. The Spiritual Warrior has Life Energy and Spirit Essence.

Fetishes are often seen with a bundle of coral, turquoise, or an arrowhead tied to the back or side. These are offerings made to the fetish for favors already received or hoped for in the future. If a carving is believed to have power, it is a fetish.

Wolf belongs both (duality) to the set of hunting and healing.
Color: White (Strength Tarot Card: The Maiden has the infinity symbol above her head, the same symbol seen in the Magician, which indicates the energy of thought. Her white robe, which is that of the innocent Fool, indicating a Purity of Spirit, and floral wreath is indicative of loftier aspirations: like honor, compassion and bravery)
Direction: East (dawn, awakening, new begginings, never-ending journey)

Wolves are also regarded as path finders and teachers. Well, when we maintain a life-long willingness to learn we invariably become teachers. A night story teller.

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