La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

The social introvert

You are a 100% introvert, and I am an introvert with social skills (ambivert) travelling my journey from extrovert to introvert. This is the way I truly am inside, this I how I truly value spending my time. I love quiet. I need quiet. You know, starry watery blue, moonlight, crackling fire, crickets and frogs. I am friendly, but got no friends but a few close ones with whom I like spending quality time in one-on-one sisterhood settings. I love cooking, but I never host guests at my table... but I enjoy joining, cooking and chatting around a crackling fire, and sharing foods is sharing intimacy. I have never been good at working in a group, ha! and I have always stoically suffered the "pain of independence". Always always brave and wild. I have always walked away from large groups, crowded events, too much stimulation. Per usual, I process best while writing. Btw, I am a Kitchen Witch: (aka – cottage witch & hearth witch), a solitary witch practicing a traditional form of witchcraft in intimate communion with Nature.

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